Vastu Plants for Home: Boost Energy & Harmony

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In today’s fast-paced world, we often overlook the importance of creating a balanced and harmonious living space. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, can help us achieve this balance by incorporating natural elements into our homes. One of the most effective ways to enhance the energy and harmony of our living spaces is by introducing Vastu plants. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Vastu plants, exploring their benefits, top choices, and how to incorporate them into your home.

Vastu Shastra: The principles

Vastu Shastra is an architectural science that dates back thousands of years. It focuses on creating harmonious living spaces by aligning them with the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. These elements are believed to influence the energy flow and vibrations within a space, directly affecting the well-being and prosperity of the occupants.

Understanding the five elements in Vastu

Each of the five elements in Vastu Shastra plays a unique role in shaping the energy of a space. Earth represents stability and nourishment, water symbolizes flow and purification, fire signifies energy and transformation, air embodies movement and communication, and space denotes expansion and growth. By incorporating these elements into our homes, we can create a balanced and harmonious environment.

The Impact of Vastu on the home environment

Following Vastu principles can help to enhance the flow of positive energy, create a balanced environment, and promote overall well-being. This ancient science can guide us in designing and arranging our living spaces, including the placement of furniture, color schemes, and the introduction of natural elements such as plants.

 The Benefits of Vastu Plants for Home: Improving energy flow and Harmony

Incorporating Vastu plants into your home can help to balance the energy flow and create a more harmonious atmosphere. Plants naturally purify the air, absorbing pollutants and releasing fresh oxygen, which contributes to a healthier living environment. Additionally, their presence can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Attracting prosperity and abundance

Certain Vastu plants are believed to attract wealth and prosperity to a home. By placing these plants in the appropriate areas, homeowners can harness their energy to improve financial stability and overall abundance.

Enhancing overall well-being

Vastu plants can also have a positive impact on the mental, emotional, and physical health of the occupants. They can help to reduce stress, improve air quality, and create a calming environment, which can lead to better sleep, increased productivity, and improved well-being.

Top Vastu Plants for Home

Here are the best and easily available plants which we can place at home for better vastu

Holy Basil (Tulsi): Benefits and significance

Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is one of the most revered plants in Vastu Shastra. It is believed to purify the air and provide numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, improved digestion, and enhanced immunity. Tulsi is also associated with spiritual growth and is often used in religious rituals.

 Placement tips

Place the Tulsi plant in the northeast or east direction of your home, preferably in a balcony or a well-lit area. It requires ample sunlight and should not be placed near the bedroom or the bathroom.

Money Plant: Benefits and significance

Money plants are known for their ability to attract wealth and prosperity. They are also believed to promote positive energy and reduce stress. In addition to their Vastu benefits, money plants act as natural air purifiers, removing toxins from the environment and improving indoor air quality.

Placement tips

The ideal location for a money plant is in the southeast or east direction of your home. Place it near a window or in a well-lit area to ensure it receives adequate sunlight. Avoid placing the money plant in the bedroom, as it may disrupt sleep patterns.

Golden Pothos: Benefits and significance

Golden pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a popular Vastu plant known for its air-purifying abilities. It can remove various pollutants from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. Golden pothos is also believed to bring good luck and fortune to its owners.

Placement tips

Place the golden pothos in the north or northeast direction of your home to maximize its Vastu benefits. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions as well.

Areca Palm: Benefits and significance

Areca palm is a popular indoor plant known for its ability to purify the air and increase humidity levels. It can help to remove harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. In Vastu, the areca palm is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and positive energy to the household.

Placement tips

Place the areca palm in the southeast, east, or north direction of your home, ideally in a well-lit area with indirect sunlight. Ensure that the plant has adequate room to grow, as it can reach heights of up to 6 to 7 feet.

Snake Plant : Benefits and significance

Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law’s tongues, are renowned for their air-purifying properties. They release oxygen at night, which can help to improve indoor air quality and promote better sleep. In Vastu Shastra, snake plants are believed to remove negative energy and protect the home from evil influences.

Placement tips

Position the snake plant in the east, southeast, or south direction of your home. It can tolerate low light conditions and thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid placing the plant in the bedroom, as its sharp leaves may create negative energy.

Additional Vastu Plants to Consider

Some additional vastu plants to enhance the positive flow of energy in your home are given below.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and positive energy to a home. Place it in the east or southeast direction to maximize its Vastu benefits.

Peace Lily

The peace lily is known for its air-purifying abilities and is associated with harmony, peace, and tranquility in Vastu Shastra. Position it in the east, northeast, or southeast direction of your home.

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are effective air purifiers and are believed to bring prosperity and good fortune. Place them in the southeast, east, or north direction of your home.

H3: Spider Plant

Spider plants are excellent air purifiers and can help to reduce stress and promote positive energy. Position them in the east, north, or northeast direction of your home.

Jade Plant

Jade plants are believed to attract wealth and prosperity, making them a popular choice for Vastu. Place them in the southeast or east direction of your home.

Choosing the Right Vastu Plants for Different Rooms

Its very important to be aware of , which plant is good for which room in the home. A high energy plant Palm will be very good for the drawing room but if you put the same in your bedroom, it may obstruct your rest and sleep.

Living Room

The living room is a space for relaxation and socializing, making it essential to create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere. Consider placing Vastu plants such as areca palm, golden pothos, or jade plants in the east, southeast, or north direction of the living room.


The kitchen is a space for nourishment and creativity, and it should have a balanced and positive energy flow. Money plants, spider plants, or rubber plants are excellent Vastu plants for the kitchen. Place them in the southeast or east direction to enhance positive energy.


A bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. To create a serene environment, consider incorporating Vastu plants such as the peace lily or spider plant. Avoid placing plants like the snake plant or money plant in the bedroom, as they may disrupt sleep patterns. Position the plants in the east, northeast, or southeast direction for optimal Vastu benefits.


Bathrooms can accumulate negative energy due to their association with water and waste. To counteract this, place air-purifying Vastu plants such as golden pothos or spider plants in the bathroom. Ensure that the plants are positioned in the east, north, or northeast direction.

Home Office

A home office should promote focus, productivity, and creativity. Incorporate Vastu plants like the snake plant or areca palm to improve air quality and enhance positive energy. Place them in the southeast, east, or north direction of the office.

Vastu Plant Care Tips

Watering and feeding

Different Vastu plants have varying water requirements, so it is essential to research the specific needs of each plant. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, while underwatering can cause the plant to wilt or become stressed. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer for feeding, but avoid over-fertilizing as it may harm the plant.

Sunlight requirements

Ensure that your Vastu plants receive adequate sunlight based on their specific needs. Some plants, like the money plant and areca palm, thrive in bright, indirect light, while others, such as snake plants and golden pothos, can tolerate lower light conditions. Be mindful of the light requirements of each plant to ensure healthy growth.

Pruning and maintenance

Regular pruning and maintenance of Vastu plants will promote growth and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Remove dead or yellowing leaves and trim overgrown branches to maintain the shape and health of the plant.

Negative Effects of Non-Vastu Plants

Identifying plants that disrupt the harmony

Certain plants are considered inauspicious in Vastu Shastra due to their negative effects on the energy and harmony of a space. Examples include cacti, bonsai plants, and plants with thorns or milky sap. These plants are believed to attract negative energy and create an unbalanced environment.

Removing and replacing harmful plants

If you discover non-Vastu plants in your home, consider removing and replacing them with Vastu-friendly options. This will help to restore balance and harmony in your living space, promoting overall well-being and prosperity.

Combining Vastu Plants with Other Vastu Elements

Enhancing the effectiveness of Vastu plants

To maximize the benefits of Vastu plants, consider incorporating other Vastu elements in your home. This may include using specific colors, shapes, and materials that align with the five elements of Vastu Shastra.

 Using colors, shapes, and materials for a balanced home

Colors, shapes, and materials can all have a significant impact on the energy and harmony of a space. In Vastu Shastra, each direction is associated with a specific element and color. Incorporate these colors in your home décor to enhance the effectiveness of your Vastu plants. For example, the east direction is associated with the air element and green color, while the southeast direction is linked to the fire element and red color. Utilize these colors in combination with Vastu plants to create a balanced and harmonious environment.

Similarly, incorporating shapes and materials that correspond with the five elements can further enhance the positive energy in your home. For instance, using wooden furniture in the east direction or metal décor in the west direction can help to balance the respective elements.


Incorporating Vastu plants into your home is a highly effective way to create a harmonious, balanced, and positive living environment. The principles of Vastu Shastra, an ancient architectural science, teach us how to align our homes with the five elements to promote an optimal flow of energy. By integrating the appropriate plants into your living space, you can significantly improve the energy flow, attract prosperity, and enhance the overall well-being of your household.

As we have explored in this comprehensive guide, there is an extensive variety of Vastu plants to choose from, each offering unique benefits and significance. From purifying the air and improving indoor air quality to reducing stress and promoting relaxation, these plants can truly transform your living space.

To maximize the impact of Vastu plants, it is essential to place them in the correct direction and ensure they receive proper care, including adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients. Additionally, combining Vastu plants with other Vastu elements, such as colors, shapes, and materials, can further enhance their effectiveness and create an even more balanced and harmonious environment.

So,  embracing the power of Vastu plants is an excellent way to cultivate a living space that promotes positivity, abundance, and well-being. By carefully selecting the right plants for your home and placing them in accordance with Vastu principles, you can embark on a journey towards a more balanced, harmonious, and nurturing living environment for you and your loved ones. So, take the first step towards transforming your home today by incorporating Vastu plants and other Vastu elements into your living space.

Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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