Vastu Tips for kids Room

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Every parent aspires for their child to flourish academically, and a significant aspect of realizing this goal is crafting the perfect learning ambiance. A meticulously planned study room that is vastu friendly can profoundly influence a child’s ability to stay focused and attentive, resulting in better scholastic achievement. In this all-inclusive guide, we will investigate how the time-honored Indian discipline of Vastu Shastra can be employed to refine the study room and foster success for your child. Today we will discuss Vastu Tips for kids room for Success, happiness, and Contentment

Vastu Tips for Kid's Room
Vastu Tips for Kid’s Room by Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Table of Contents

Decoding the Science of Vastu Shastra

The Foundations of Vastu Shastra Originating thousands of years ago, Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural custom that integrates ideas of design, layout, and spatial planning to create harmonious and well-balanced settings. Vastu Shastra is based on the conviction that the purposeful alignment of distinct elements within an area can have a positive impact on energy flow and the overall well-being of those who occupy the space.

The Essential Tenets of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is steered by multiple core concepts, such as maintaining balance among the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space), aligning spaces with cardinal directions, and utilizing specific materials, colors, and forms. By incorporating these concepts into the design of a study room, parents can develop an environment that encourages focus, concentration, and scholastic triumph.

The Effects of Vastu Shastra on Concentration and Productivity

It is believed that the principles of Vastu Shastra can influence the energy flow within a space, resulting in harmony and equilibrium. A study room designed according to Vastu principles will create a setting that fosters learning and efficiency. Consequently, this can contribute to enhancing a child’s focus, concentration, and overall academic performance.


Ideal Location for a Study Room

Directional guidelines for Vastu Tips for Kids room

Vastu Shastra places significant importance on the cardinal directions. For a study room, the ideal location is in the north, east, or northeast corner of the house. These directions are believed to promote intellectual growth, concentration, and mental clarity.

Proximity to other rooms

The study room should be situated away from noisy and distracting areas of the house, such as the living room, kitchen, or entertainment room. Ideally, it should be close to quiet, calm spaces like a bedroom or a home office.

Avoiding distractions

When selecting the location for a study room, avoid areas with external noise or distractions, such as busy streets, construction sites, or loud neighbors. A peaceful, quiet environment is crucial for fostering focus and concentration.

Study Room Layout Vastu Tips for kids room

Arrangement of furniture

Vastu principles emphasize the importance of proper furniture placement to promote a positive energy flow. The study table should face east or north, while the student should sit facing east or north. This orientation is believed to enhance concentration and memory. Additionally, avoid placing the study table against a wall or window, as it can restrict the flow of positive energy.

Space utilization

A clutter-free and well-organized study room is essential for maintaining focus. Make sure to provide ample storage solutions for books, stationery, and other study materials. Keep the study area clear of unnecessary items and distractions.

Openness and circulation

To promote a positive energy flow, the study room should have sufficient open space and proper circulation. Ensure that the room is well-ventilated and receives an adequate amount of natural light.

Vastu Tips  for kids room: The Study Table

Positioning the study table

Here are the Vastu Tips for the kids’ room: As mentioned earlier, the study table should be placed so that the student faces east or north while studying. Avoid placing the table directly below a beam, as this can create a sense of pressure and hinder concentration. Additionally, ensure that there is enough space around the table for free movement and comfortable seating.

Ideal materials for the study table

Vastu Shastra recommends using natural materials, such as wood or bamboo, for the study table. These materials are believed to promote positive energy and create a harmonious environment. Avoid using metal or glass tables, as they can create a cold and impersonal atmosphere.

Enhancing focus with study table accessories

To further enhance focus and concentration, consider adding Vastu-approved accessories to the study table. Place a crystal or quartz pyramid in the north or northeast corner of the table to improve memory and learning. Additionally, a small indoor water fountain on the table can help create a soothing and calming environment.

Seating Arrangements

Chair selection for comfort and posture

Choose a comfortable chair that provides adequate support for your child’s back and encourages proper posture. Ergonomic chairs can help reduce strain and discomfort during long study sessions.

Vastu guidelines for chair placement

According to Vastu principles, the chair should be placed so that the student faces east or north while seated. Make sure there is some space between the chair and the wall or window, allowing for the free flow of positive energy.

Adding additional seating for group study

If your child often participates in group study sessions, consider adding extra seating in the study room. Arrange the seating in a circular or semi-circular configuration to encourage interaction and collaboration.

Lighting and Vastu

Natural light sources

Natural light is essential for creating a bright and inviting study environment. Ensure that the study room has large windows or skylights that allow for ample sunlight. Vastu recommends that the study room should receive light from the east or north, promoting mental clarity and focus.

Artificial lighting solutions

For times when natural light is insufficient, invest in good quality artificial lighting. Use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit and comfortable study space. Opt for LED or CFL bulbs, as they provide energy-efficient and consistent illumination.

Balancing brightness and softness for optimal focus

Avoid harsh or overly bright lighting, as it can cause eye strain and discomfort. Instead, aim for a balanced lighting scheme that provides adequate brightness for reading and writing while maintaining a soft and soothing atmosphere.

Colors and Vastu

Color Psychology in study rooms

Colors can have a significant impact on mood, focus, and productivity. Research suggests that certain colors can promote concentration and enhance cognitive function, making them ideal choices for a study room.

Vastu-approved color schemes

Vastu Shastra recommends using light and soothing colors in the study room, such as shades of green, blue, and yellow. These colors are believed to promote a sense of calm and focus. Avoid using dark or overly bright colors, as they can create a distracting and unsettling environment.

Incorporating color through accents and accessories

In addition to painting the walls, you can incorporate Vastu-approved colors through accessories and accents. Use decorative items, such as rugs, curtains, and artwork, to add splashes of color and create a visually engaging space.

Shelves and Storage Solutions

Organizing books and stationery

A clutter-free environment is essential for maintaining focus and concentration. Organize your child’s books, stationery, and other study materials on shelves or in storage units. This will help keep the study area neat and tidy, minimizing distractions.

Vastu tips for shelf placement

According to Vastu principles, shelves should be placed in the west or south part of the study room. Avoid placing shelves in the north or east, as this can obstruct the flow of positive energy. Keep the shelves organized and avoid overloading them with books and other items.

Decluttering for a focused environment

Regularly declutter the study room to maintain a clean and organized space. Encourage your child to take responsibility for keeping their study area tidy by providing designated storage solutions for their belongings.

Art and Décor

Choosing artwork for inspiration and motivation

Select artwork and décor that inspire and motivate your child. Consider incorporating images of nature, inspirational quotes, or representations of your child’s goals and aspirations. This can help create a positive and uplifting environment that promotes focus and determination.

Vastu principles for displaying art

When displaying art in the study room, follow Vastu guidelines to ensure a harmonious and balanced space. Hang artwork on the north or east walls, as these directions are believed to promote creativity and intellectual growth.

Appropriate décor for a study room

Avoid overcrowding the study room with excessive décor or distracting elements. Keep the space clean, simple, and functional, with just a few carefully chosen pieces that enhance the overall atmosphere and promote a sense of focus and calm.

Study Room Technology

Vastu recommendations for electronic devices

While technology can be a valuable learning tool, it can also be a source of distraction. Vastu Shastra advises keeping electronic devices, such as computers and tablets, in the south or west part of the study room. This can help minimize distractions and promote a focused learning environment.

Minimizing distractions from technology

To further reduce distractions, consider setting limits on the use of electronic devices during study time. Encourage your child to take regular breaks from screens and engage in non-digital activities, such as reading a book or practicing mindfulness exercises.

Creating a tech-free zone for focused study

If possible, designate a separate area within the study room as a tech-free zone. This space can be used for quiet reading, writing, or reflection, free from the distractions of electronic devices.

Plants for a Positive Study Environment

Selecting Vastu-approved plants

Incorporating plants into the study room can help create a positive and nurturing environment. Vastu Shastra recommends using plants with rounded leaves, such as the money plant, Boston fern, or snake plant. These plants are believed to promote positive energy and improve air quality.

Benefits of having plants in the study room

Having plants in the study room can provide numerous benefits, including improved air quality, reduced stress, and enhanced cognitive function. Plants can also add visual interest and create a more inviting atmosphere.

Proper placement and care for study room plants

Place plants in the east or northeast part of the study room, following Vastu guidelines. Ensure that the plants receive adequate light and are properly cared for to maintain their health and vitality.

The Connection between Aromatherapy and Vastu

How Scents Affect Concentration and Focus

The power of scents to influence our mood, attentiveness, and efficiency should not be underestimated. Aromatherapy can be a valuable asset in crafting a serene and focused study environment.

Vastu-friendly Essential Oils

According to Vastu Shastra, specific essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and lemon are ideal for the study room. These fragrances are known to induce relaxation, improve concentration, and boost mental acuity.

Introducing Aromatherapy to the Study Room with Diffusers and Candles

Incorporate essential oils into your study room by utilizing a diffuser or aromatic candles. Be mindful not to overpower the room with intense scents, and ensure they blend well with the overall ambiance of the space.

Noise Control

Soundproofing solutions

Controlling noise levels in the study room is essential for maintaining focus and concentration. Consider investing in soundproofing solutions, such as acoustic panels, sound-absorbing curtains, or weatherstripping for doors and windows.

Using white noise or calming music

To further minimize distractions from external noise, consider using white noise machines or playing calming music in the background. These can help mask disruptive sounds and create a soothing environment for focused study.

Establishing quiet hours in the household

Establish designated quiet hours in your household to ensure that your child has uninterrupted study time. Encourage all family members to be mindful of noise levels and to respect the need for a peaceful learning environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important is the study room’s direction in Vastu Shastra?

The study room’s direction is crucial in Vastu Shastra, as it is believed to impact a child’s focus, concentration, and academic success. The ideal location for a study room is in the north, east, or northeast corner of the house.

How can I incorporate Vastu principles into an existing study room?

To incorporate Vastu principles into an existing study room, start by assessing the room’s layout, furniture placement, lighting, and color scheme. Make adjustments as needed to align with Vastu guidelines, such as repositioning the study table, adding Vastu-approved accessories, and incorporating appropriate colors and décor.

Can I apply Vastu principles to shared study space?

Yes, Vastu principles can be applied to shared study spaces, such as a room used by multiple siblings. Ensure that each child has a designated study area with proper furniture placement and seating arrangements. Additionally, consider incorporating Vastu-approved colors, lighting, and décor to create a harmonious and focused environment for all occupants.


The impact of Vastu on a child’s academic success cannot be overstated. By carefully designing and arranging the study room according to Vastu principles, parents can create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes focus, concentration, and academic achievement. Investing time and effort in creating a well-designed study space will pay dividends in your child’s educational journey. The Vastu Tips for Kid’s Room blog is a complete guide for you toward your kid’s Success.

Maintenance and Regular Assessments

Regular cleaning and decluttering

To maintain a Vastu-compliant study room, it is essential to regularly clean and declutter the space. This will help ensure that the room remains conducive to focus and concentration, providing an optimal learning environment for your child.

Periodic reevaluation of Vastu elements

As your child grows and their needs evolve, it is important to periodically reevaluate the Vastu elements in their study room. Assess the furniture arrangement, color scheme, lighting, and décor to ensure they continue to align with Vastu principles and support your child’s academic success.

Adapting the study room for different stages of learning

As your child progresses through different stages of their education, the study room should adapt to accommodate their changing needs. Update the space to reflect their current interests, goals, and study habits, always keeping Vastu principles in mind.

The Role of Parental Support and Encouragement

Fostering a positive attitude toward learning

While a well-designed study room can greatly impact a child’s focus and concentration, parental support and encouragement play a crucial role in fostering a positive attitude toward learning. Be actively involved in your child’s education, offering guidance and assistance when needed.

Establishing routines and study habits

Help your child develop healthy study habits and routines that support their academic success. Establish consistent study times, encourage regular breaks, and promote a balance between academic pursuits and extracurricular activities.

Celebrating achievements and acknowledging challenges

Acknowledge your child’s academic achievements and celebrate their successes, while also recognizing the challenges and setbacks they may face. Offer support and encouragement as they navigate the ups and downs of their educational journey.

Final Thoughts

Creating a Vastu-compliant study room is an investment in your child’s future. By carefully considering the principles of Vastu Shastra and applying them to the design and layout of the study space, you can create an environment that promotes focus, concentration, and academic success. Combined with parental support and encouragement, a well-designed study room can help your child reach their full potential and achieve their educational goals. I hope the Vastu Tips for Kids room was helpful.



Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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