Find the Perfect Vastu Plot for Your New Home

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Building your dream home is an exciting journey, and selecting the perfect plot is a crucial step in ensuring a prosperous and healthy life for you and your family. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, offers valuable guidance on choosing a plot that harmonizes the energies around us. This comprehensive guide, written by an expert Vastu consultant, will help you understand the various factors to consider when selecting a Vastu-compliant plot for your new home. Let’s dive in and explore each aspect in detail to find the perfect Vastu plot for your new home


Table of Contents

Plot Shape and Size: The Foundation for Balance and Prosperity

The shape and size of a plot play a significant role in determining the overall Vastu compliance of your future home. Here are the details which will help you Find the Perfect Vastu Plot.

Regular Shapes: Squares and Rectangles

According to Vastu, square and rectangular plots are the most auspicious shapes. These regular shapes promote stability, balance, and prosperity. They create a harmonious energy flow, ensuring that your home attracts positive vibes and opportunities.

Irregular Shapes: Triangles, Circles, and Others

Plots with irregular shapes, such as triangles or circles, are considered less auspicious. These shapes can create imbalances and hinder the smooth flow of energies, leading to negative consequences in various aspects of life, including finances, health, and relationships.

Size Matters: The Ideal Proportion for Your Dream Home

When selecting a plot, ensure that the size is proportionate to the house you plan to build. An ideal plot should have enough space for a garden, parking, and other essential amenities, without feeling cramped or restricted. Additionally, the plot’s size should allow for future expansions, if needed, without compromising Vastu principles.

Soil Quality: The Essence of a Healthy and Prosperous Home to Find the Perfect Vastu Plot

The quality of the soil on your plot can greatly impact the energy and overall well-being of your new home. So be well aware and make your you find the perfect vastu plot for your new home, here are the details to check:

Color and Texture: The Significance of Soil Characteristics

The soil’s color and texture can influence the plot’s Vastu compliance. Light-colored soils, such as white, yellow, or red, are considered auspicious, as they symbolize growth, happiness, and prosperity. On the other hand, dark-colored or black soils are considered inauspicious, as they can attract negative energies and create obstacles in various aspects of life.

Compactness: The Key to Stability and Strength

The soil on your plot should be compact and not too loose. Compact soil ensures the stability and strength of the house, providing a solid foundation for your home. Loose soil can lead to structural issues, compromising the safety and longevity of your home.

Water Retention: The Importance of Well-Drained Soil

Check the soil’s water retention capacity before finalizing your plot. Well-drained soil is ideal for building a home, as it prevents waterlogging and dampness, which can lead to structural damage and health issues. Additionally, good drainage promotes the smooth flow of energy, ensuring a harmonious living environment.

Slope and Elevation: Harnessing the Power of Positive Energies

The slope and elevation of a plot play a crucial role in determining its Vastu compliance.

Direction: The Ideal Slope for Prosperity

The plot should ideally slope towards the North or East, as these directions are associated with prosperity, growth, and positive energies. A North or East sloping plot ensures the smooth flow of energies, attracting wealth and success to the occupants.

Elevation: The Significance of Higher Ground

A plot with a higher elevation in the South or West is considered auspicious, as it promotes the flow of positive energies and protects the home from negative influences. On the other hand, a lower elevation in these directions can lead to financial and health issues for the occupants.

Road Access: Ensuring Smooth Energy Flow and Opportunities

Road access plays an essential role in determining the Vastu compliance of a plot, as it influences the flow of energies and opportunities into your home.

Entry Points: Welcoming Positive Energies

A plot with roads on the North or East side is considered favorable, as these directions are associated with prosperity and growth. Having roads in these directions attracts positive energy and opportunities, ensuring a thriving living environment.

Road Width: The Impact on Energy Flow

Wider roads in front of your plot are better for attracting positive energy, as they allow for a smooth and unobstructed flow of energy. Narrow roads, on the other hand, can restrict the flow of energy, limiting the opportunities and growth potential for the occupants.

Surrounding Environment: Creating a Harmonious Atmosphere

The surrounding environment plays a vital role in determining the Vastu compliance of a plot, as it influences the overall atmosphere and energy flow.

Greenery: The Essence of a Healthy and Balanced Home

A plot surrounded by trees and greenery is considered auspicious, as it promotes a healthy and harmonious atmosphere. Greenery purifies the air, absorbs negative energies, and attracts positive vibes, ensuring a balanced living environment.

Water Bodies: The Flow of Prosperity and Abundance

Having a water body, like a river or a lake, on the North or East side of the plot is considered auspicious. Water bodies in these directions symbolize wealth, abundance, and prosperity, attracting positive energies and opportunities for the occupants.

Avoid Negative Landmarks: Steering Clear of Unfavorable Influences

Stay away from plots near graveyards, hospitals, or factories, as these can emit negative energies and create an unfavorable living environment. Negative landmarks can impact various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and finances.

Plot History: Understanding the Past to Ensure a Bright Future

Before finalizing a plot, it’s essential to delve into its history to ensure a positive foundation for your future home.

Previous Ownership: The Significance of a Positive Legacy

Ensure that the plot has a positive history and was not involved in any legal disputes or criminal activities. A plot with a clean history attracts positive energies and ensures a prosperous living environment for the occupants.

Previous Structures: Learning from Past Experiences

If there were any structures on the plot before, make sure they were not demolished due to negative reasons, such as accidents or financial issues. A plot with a history of unfavorable events can carry negative energies, affecting the overall Vastu compliance of your future home.

Plot Extensions and Cuts: Ensuring Harmony and Balance

When selecting a plot, it’s crucial to consider any extensions or cuts, as they can impact the Vastu compliance of your future home.

Extensions: Expanding in the Right Direction

An extension in the North-East corner of the plot is considered auspicious, as this direction is associated with growth, prosperity, and positive energies. Extensions in this direction ensure a harmonious energy flow and attract opportunities for the occupants.

Cuts: Avoiding Obstacles in the Path of Positive Energies

Avoid plots with cuts in the North-East corner, as this can hinder the flow of positive energy, leading to imbalances and negative consequences in various aspects of life. Plots with cuts in this direction can create obstacles in the path of prosperity and growth.

Plot Orientation: Aligning with the Forces of Nature

The orientation of a plot plays a crucial role in determining its Vast u compliance, as it influences the flow of energies and aligns with the forces of nature.

Direction: The Auspicious North and East-Facing Plots

A plot facing North or East is considered most auspicious, as these directions invite prosperity and growth. North-facing plots are associated with wealth and success while East-facing plots symbolize knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. Choosing a plot facing one of these directions ensures a harmonious energy flow and a thriving living environment.

Magnetic Field: Aligning with Earth’s Energies

The plot’s orientation should align with Earth’s magnetic field, which runs from North to South. Aligning with this natural energy flow ensures a harmonious living environment and promotes the overall well-being of the occupants.

Vastu Tips for Plot Selection: Expert Advice for a Prosperous Home

Selecting the perfect Vastu-compliant plot requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some expert tips to help you make an informed decision:

Consult an Expert:

Always consult a Vastu expert before finalizing a plot, as they can provide valuable guidance and insights based on your specific needs and requirements. An expert can help you identify potential issues and offer remedies to ensure a harmonious and prosperous living environment.

Site Visits:

Conduct multiple site visits at different times of the day to observe the plot’s surroundings and environmental factors. This will help you gain a better understanding of the plot’s energy flow, as well as any potential issues or concerns.

Consider the Future:

Keep in mind any future developments or changes in the surrounding area that could impact the plot’s Vastu compliance. Ensure that your plot selection can accommodate future expansions and adapt to evolving circumstances while maintaining Vastu principles.

Balancing the Five Elements: The Essence of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is based on the balance of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Ensuring that your plot selection and home design cater to the harmony of these elements is crucial for creating a prosperous and healthy living environment.


The plot’s shape, size, and soil quality represent the Earth element. A well-chosen plot ensures stability, strength, and harmony in your home.


The plot’s proximity to water bodies and its water retention capacity signify the Water element. A balanced water element attracts wealth, abundance, and prosperity.


The plot’s orientation and sunlight exposure represents the Fire element. Proper alignment with the Fire element promotes growth, success, and positive energies.


The plot’s ventilation, surrounding greenery, and road access symbolize the Air element. A balanced Air element ensures a healthy and harmonious living environment.


The plot’s open spaces, such as gardens and parking areas, denote the Space element. A well-designed home with ample open space promotes the smooth flow of energies and opportunities.


Selecting the perfect Vastu-compliant plot for your new home is a vital step in ensuring a prosperous and healthy life for you and your loved ones. By carefully considering factors such as plot shape and size, soil quality, slope and elevation, road access, surrounding environment, plot history, extensions and cuts, orientation, expert advice, and the balance of the five elements, you can make an informed decision that aligns with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Investing time and effort in finding the right plot will help you build a harmonious and thriving home, paving the way for a bright and successful future.

I hope after this information, you will be able to find Find the Perfect Vastu Plot for Your New Home.


Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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