Clear Energy Blocks for a Better Life

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clear energy blocksIn order to live a happy and fulfilling life, it is important to clear the energy blocks that are preventing us from achieving our goals. So by identifying and removing these blocks, we can create space for positive energy to flow which will allow us to live our best life.

Some people have energy blocks that prevent them from having a good life. These blocks also stop them from moving forward.  They are self-imposed limitations that prevent them from living their dreams.

By removing these blocks and replacing them with positive energy, we can start living our best lives right now. Therefore, let’s first understand how to find out if we have these blocks.


The signs that you have energy blocks are :

– You have a habit of procrastinating although you know that it is not good for you.

– There are times when you find yourself being very negative and pessimistic all the time.

– You get very easily irritated by other people.

– There is an unwillingness to take risks. – You have a lack of enthusiasm in your life.

– There is a tendency to not see the good things in life.

– You are easily hurt and disappointed by other people.

– You feel that you are always tired and exhausted.

– Your projects don’t get complete, some blockage comes when you are near to finishing the work.

– You always miss the train by microseconds and this happens in all aspects of life.

If you have a yes answer to any two points written above, then you need to work on your energy to let go of these blocks.

Some of the ways through which you can let go of energy blocks are :

To be successful in letting go of energy blocks, it is important to have a clear understanding of how the mind works and how it affects our life. This will also help us to understand why we unconsciously create these blocks and how we can let go of them.

  • One of the ways to let go of energy blocks is through meditation. Through meditation, Through meditation, we are able to remove energy blocks and get rid of any negativity or negative thoughts. Meditation can help you create positive energy while removing negative energy.  Meditation is also very good at creating positivity in your life. You may start with a grounding meditation. Check it at in Hindi and in English.
  • Let go of the negative thought you have collected in your mind with the help of Pranayam and let the positive ones come to you.
  • Write down all your negative thought on paper and burn the same, flush the ashes. Do this daily till you feel better.
  • Chant “Om Gum Ganpataye Namah” 108×3 times a day for 40 days with the intention of letting go of your blocks.
  • Use Road opener oil and candles with the intention in order to open all your roads energetically and to open all your doors.
  • Hypnotherapy sessions can also help, you can connect with a clinical hypnotherapist for the session. ( make sure you are going to a well-learned and certified hypnotherapist)

If nothing works it may mean the blocks are coming from your past life and you must see a healer or spiritual guide.

******To buy road opener candles and oils you may like to check our online shop 


Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

Website: http://www.indiatarot.com

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