Aura Energy : 10 Ways to keep your Aura Strong and intact

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Aura energy is the magical, spiritual force that radiates from all living things. It is believed to be the energy of our souls and determines how we interact with the world around us. Keeping your aura strong and intact is essential for living a healthy, balanced life and opening yourself up to positive experiences. In this article, we will explore Aura Energy : 10 ways to keep your aura strong and intact so you can stay in tune with your higher self and maximize your potential.

1. Breath Work

We have all heard of the power of breath and how it can affect our physical, mental, and emotional state. But did you know that deep breathing can also help keep your aura strong? Pranayama, or rhythmic breathing, is an ancient practice designed to cultivate energy within oneself. It is believed that this energy helps to form a type of protective shield around us – our aura.

Through deep breathing, Pranayama, and rhythmic breathing, this practice has been shown to have many benefits for the body and mind. Not only does breath work help to make our aura strong, but it also helps us to heal from within. What Is Pranayama?

The word pranayama is translated as “control of energy.” It is a practice that involves breathing exercises in order to control the flow of energy within the body. It is an ancient practice that originated in India, and is still practiced today.

Here are some tips for Deep Breathing exercises:

  • Breathe in deeply through your nose and then exhale out of your mouth. Emphasize the exhaling part of the breathe cycle. Breathing in this manner, rapidly and deeply will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which will help to relax the body’s muscles.
  • Breathing can be rhythmic, you can count 10 while inhaling then count 5 while holding your breath and release your breath while counting 1 to 10 again. This helps releasing anxiety and make your mind calm along with making your Aura strong,

2. Spend time with nature

Spend time with nature, go to parks for walks. This is good for your physical body too, also with your aura and energy field. When you are in a busy environment and feel a little bit overwhelmed, go outside. This gives you a break from the hustle and bustle of the day and also has an energy cleansing effect. Being in nature is like feeding your energy field with good prana and it heals your Aura.

Take a break and go on a weekend holiday, sit near a water body. Try to hear the natures voice. Feel the freshness of mother nature. Eat healthy, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Be in a positive state of mind and be optimistic about everything. This is good for your physical health too.

You will see huge difference after coming back in your energy levels. Your mental and psychological body will also get healed as you start getting in touch with Mother nature again. We are too busy in our daily lives, we forget ourselves. And just sit near the water body, so that your mind gets relaxed and you start listening to your inner self.

3. Ground yourself with Sea Salt

Just as we need to keep our physical bodies healthy and nourished, it is just as important to maintain the health of our auras. Our auras are like an invisible energy field around us that can be affected by external forces such as stress, anxiety, or other negative energy. One of the best ways to keep your aura healthy is through grounding practices such as sea salt bathing. It helps to restore the natural energy flow in your body and align you with the earth’s energies.

Grounding can be done through various activities such as walking barefoot on grass, meditating, spending time in nature, or sea salt bathing. Sea salt bathing is especially effective in grounding and restoring balance to your aura.

Here are some tips on how to use sea salt baths:

1. Fill your tub with warm water and add 1 cup of sea salt. Stir until the salt dissolves.

2. Soak in the bath for 20 minutes, or longer if you have time.

3. Rinse off in the shower or with a wet bath towel.

4. Feel free to use your loofah, body brush or washcloth if you desire. 5. Apply a natural moisturizer on your skin after the bath is over.

You can do grounding meditation too, it will work same or better the sea salt bathing, here is the link for grounding meditation in hindi is here 

and for English click here

4. Stay away from electromagnetic fields.

aura is a spiritual energy that surrounds us and reflects our emotional and mental state. To keep our aura intact and healthy, it is essential to stay away from electromagnetic fields. This can be done by simply switching off your TV, not keeping mobile phones near you while sleeping, and avoiding other gadgets which emit electromagnetic fields.

We are surrounded by a variety of electromagnetic fields in our daily lives, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. But it is important to remember that these fields can have an effect on our aura – the spiritual energy that we carry with us. To protect your aura from being weakened by these fields, there are some simple steps you can take.

Here are some tips to keep away from electromagnetic field :

1. Keep your phone away when you are in the car.

The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones can interfere with the signal between your car and the device that controls its safety features, such as airbags. The same thing is true for a GPS system and radio signals.

2.Switch off your TV , Laptop and Mobile Phones when you are going to sleep.

3. Keep your phone away from your bed.

4. Use a hands free kit when driving or talking on the phone.

5. Avoid Cribbing and Cursing

Try not to do cribbing or curse anybody, this makes your aura weak as you are first creating negative energy within yourself and then extending it out, so first this energy will certainly harm you before it affects anybody else.

Do you feel like the universe is against you? Are you feeling the negative energy around you? Maybe it’s time to take a look at your own behavior. Cribbing and cursing are two of the most harmful things we can do to ourselves and our aura. If we want our aura to be strong and positive, it is important that we don’t crib or curse. Instead, try to be positive, focus on the good things in life and strive for happiness.

Here are some of the many benefits of not cribbing or cursing.

  • You will be able to see things more clearly.
  • When we crib and curse, we are holding negative energy inside us that can create a fog in our head and cloud our perception.
  •  You will be able to think more clearly. When you are angry or upset, your thinking is not clear and you are unable to make good decisions.
  • You will be able to handle problems more effectively. When you are upset, you are not able to think of solutions and the problem may get worse.
  • You will have more energy to do things. When you feel good, you have more energy and can do things well.
  • You will be more optimistic. When you feel good, you are more confident about the future and more hopeful about finding a solution to problems.
  •  You will be better able to cope with setbacks. When you feel good, it is easier to accept disappointments and move on quickly to new things.
  • You will have better relationships with others. People who feel good about themselves tend to be more lovable, and people who are lovable tend to have better relationships.
  • You will be more creative. Creative people tend to think outside the box. Creativity is an important skill for success in all areas of life.
  • Your life will be more interesting/exciting/fun.

6. Work towards Positive approach

Have you ever felt a sense of calmness and serenity after being in the presence of someone? That feeling that envelopes you could be the result of their aura – an energy field created by their positive thought process. It is possible for everyone to build up their own aura by taking a more positive approach with every situation they face.

What if you could imagine a life of constant positivity and success? Picture yourself walking through your day with a strong aura that radiates joy, thanks to your positive thought process. With just a few small steps to begin working towards this goal, you can find a way to make every situation in your life have a positive outlook. By doing so, you will be able to see the magical potential that lies within the world and within yourself. Your attitude can make a difficult situation easygoing for you and this will also improve your aura. If you are struggling with any of these areas in your life, try using the tips that follow to improve the way you think. As a result, you will be able to focus on making positive changes that will affect every aspect of your life.

Here are some Tips for you:

1. Be Positive and Optimistic

Be positive and optimistic about your future. The way you think can affect the way life treats you. Believe that your future is great, and you will make it so. If you start out with a negative attitude, you are setting yourself up for failure, which can cause stress and anxiety. Always be as positive and optimistic about the future as possible.

2. Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise increases your stamina and energy level, as well as reduces stress levels. It also improves your overall health, which can make you feel more positive about yourself and the future.

3. Look for the positive in every situation. You can find something good in every situation, even if it’s just that the situation happened. For example, perhaps you got a traffic ticket and are feeling angry or upset about it. Instead of thinking negative thoughts such as, “Why me?” or “What a pain! Why does everything bad happen to me?”

4. Try this: Think about how you might use the situation to learn a valuable lesson or even to do something good for someone else. The result? You’ll feel better and will be more likely to take action in a positive way.

5. “I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do about it.”

There’s no question that getting “stuck” makes people feel helpless. And feeling like you’re out of control is definitely not good for your well-being. So what’s the solution? How can you get unstuck when you’re feeling stuck in a bad situation?

The first step is to accept that change is painful. That’s not always easy to do. But once you start accepting it, you can move on to the next step:

Be willing to change your situation. Admitting that you’re unhappy is just the first step — now you have to be willing to fix it.

7. Find Happiness for your Inner-self

Find things that make you happy, happiness is the key of good aura and good health. There are many things that make you happy, find them and use them. We all have our own version of happiness, but what we want is to feel it. Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey. Be happy, be healthy and spread your happiness! Happiness is the key of good aura and good health. There are many things that make you happy, find them and use them. We all have our own version of happiness, but what we want is to feel it. Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey. Happiness is not about being perfect, it’s about being yourself. It’s ok to be imperfect, but you should never let go of your happiness.

I know that sometimes we can be quite hard on ourselves when it comes to our choice in life. You can be an amazing person but you’re not always going to be happy. You can’t be happy all the time, that’s just impossible. But if we learn how to accept who we are and our imperfections, we will become happier people.

8. Have your Me Time

Spend time alone with yourself and meditate, this will make your energy fields strong. This is one of the most important steps, as it will help you with your energy and aura.

Make sure the place you choose is quiet and clean, look to see if there are any bright lights around. The place should be lit with candles or dimmed lights.

You can use crystals, incense and oils, as these will help you when doing this exercise. Sit down comfortably, close your eyes and just relax. Let your mind go blank and just focus on the breathing. Breathe in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 4. Do this about 5 times to get yourself relaxed.

9. Work on your Anger and Anxiety

There is a magical energy that runs through us all and can be seen in the form of an aura. It is important to take care of our auras as they are a reflection of our inner selves; however, many don’t realize that anger and anxiety can have a tremendous effect on our aura’s strength. When we get angry, it is believed that our aura weakens and can even crack from the pressure if we shout or become too aggressive.

Don’t let your anger and anxiety have a negative effect on your aura. It is said that if the aura of a person is weak, it can cause distress in multiple areas of life, including physical and mental health. Everyone experiences emotions like anger and anxiety, but it’s important to manage them carefully so that our auras remain strong. Anger often manifests itself through shouting or other forms of aggression which can be very damaging to an aura.

Avoid shouting and being angry, this majorly makes your aura weak.

10. Learn to let go

Have you ever found yourself feeling weighed down by past experiences or negative thoughts? It can be hard to let go of these things and move on with our lives. However, it is essential that we learn how to forgive, forget and let go in order to keep our aura strong and positive. By letting go of the past, we create room for new experiences and new energies to flow into our lives.

It can be difficult to let go of the things that you have been holding on to for so long. But it’s necessary if you want to keep your energy and aura strong. Forgiveness, forgetting, and moving on are all part of a journey towards spiritual growth. Letting go allows us to free ourselves from emotional baggage and reconnect with our inner strength and power.

Here are some ways which will help you let go :

1. Realize that letting go is not the same as forgetting.

Letting go means releasing past memories and experiences into the Universe, rather than clinging on to them. It doesn’t mean you have to forget everything. 2. Focus on the positive memories of your relationship. This will help you to remember what was good about it, rather than focusing on the negative aspects.

3. Don’t think about your ex-partner too often or dwell on what might have been.

4. Take a break from socializing to avoid painful reminders of your ex-partner.

5. Try not to think about your relationship too much, especially if you’re feeling sad or angry.

6. If you are feeling low, try to keep yourself busy.

7. Try not to become a hermit.

8. If you do have time on your hands, try to occupy yourself with something that will give you pleasure or some kind of satisfaction.

9. Do not hold onto grudges.

10. Do not feel guilty about things you have done or said that were hurtful to another person.

11. Have confidence in your ability to overcome the pain and get on with your life.

Learn to let go. Understand whatever is not coming to you is not meant for you, so let it go and vacate the place for the right things to come.


Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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