Office and work are one of the most important places for us and we always want a happy a successful workplace. I am going to tell you Vaastu Guidance for your Workplace, which will bring success to you.

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Vaastu is an ancient Indian system of architecture and design that focuses on the use of natural resources and the harmonious placement of objects to create balance in a space. Vaastu principles can help improve the flow of energy in your workplace, improve communication and productivity, and create a more pleasant environment. If you’re looking to improve your work environment, incorporating Vaastu principles into your design may be the answer.
The Ancient Science of construction that’s Vastu Shastra doesn’t simply apply to a home. an area of business ought to even be in tune with the 5 parts of ether, air, fire, water, and earth so management and workers add harmony to attain success. The administrator of the workplace should occupy the southwest quadrant and will face north whereas sitting at his table.
About Flooring
The flooring within the space ought to be 7cm to 15cm over the remainder of the workplace. His or her table ought to be within the extreme southwest corner of the space, and it’d be auspicious if the door to the space were within the northeast quadrant. The managing director of the workplace ought to occupy the sou’-west quadrant and face north.
For the Head or Boss
The person in command, sort of a top dog or manager, ought to occupy the south and west quadrants. He or she should sit facing north whereas occupying a southern space and will face east in an exceedingly western room. All alternative employees ought to sit facing east. The finance manager ought to sit within the north quadrant facing north or east, as this can yield increased money results.
Folks in decision-making positions ought to avoid sitting underneath a beam as they’ll notice it tough to form the correct selections. Such beams are often hidden by false ceilings. the middle of the workplace ought to be unbroken and empty.
About Furniture
Tables or counters ought to be designed in such the simplest way that sales folks face either east or north and also the customers face west or south. The staff ought to occupy the northwest quadrant.
Different Departments
The administration and human resources departments ought to be within the east. If the workplace encompasses a prayer space, it should be set within the northeast and will be unbroken clean, and free from weight. Showcases, racks, and cabinets ought to be against western and southern walls.
The reception ought to be placed in the northwest and also the device or dispenser should be placed in the northeast corner. If the workplace encompasses storage, it’s extremely counseled or not it’s placed within the southeast quadrant. There should be no bogs or storage within the northeast and southwest corners.
The reception ought to be within the northwest. each house and workplace ought to be harmonious to fancy most peace, joy, prosperity, happiness, health, and cloud nine. Work areas ought to be in harmony with the maximum amount as attainable as a result of many of us paying the prime hours of the day at work. though the area doesn’t belong to you, you pay a lot of time in it; neither is it merely a “temporary” area. dashing through work and not respecting the atmosphere will cause tension and hostility to the individual.
Vaastu Guidance for your Workplace Some More Tips
A Vastu Shastra-friendly workplace will facilitate fostering a powerful harmonious relationship between the denizen and his or her colleagues that the area ought to be treated with respect. The form of the plot wherever the workplace is found ought to be sq. or rectangular, if attainable. Buildings, too, ought to be identified as “cuts” and “voids” that will distort the flow of positive energy.
A plot wherever the front is wider than the rear can attract additional customers. however, even before selecting the plot or building, it’s important to require into consideration the environment. Avoid buildings at T-junctions and shut to graveyards and temples. Taller buildings or flyovers mustn’t overshadow the property.
A smaller building between 2 larger buildings is taken into account as inauspicious because the denizen can perpetually feel suppressed. The building ought to be of equal height in the least bit directions. ne’er select a store with the doorway within the south-west, because it can invite hassle and money issues. like a house, the entrance of the business area mustn’t be thrombosed by transmission line poles, trees, or tall structures.
The reception area-which is vital because it provides the client with the primary impression of the business-should being set within the northeast. The employees manning the counter ought to face the entry. alternative favorable locations are east and north.
Waiting areas for patrons ought to be within the north-west Ideally, the reception space ought to be all-time low and it’d be encouraging if a client needs to take 3 steps to the business or show area. The room ought to be set within the east or west. The boss ought to occupy the biggest space within the south-west, and it ought to be removed from the most entrance. Mid-management and executives ought to occupy rooms (or cubicles) within the south or west.
Take away all clutter in the associate degree workplace because it obstructs refined energy flow. The bourgeois ought to be placed within the north, staff within the north-west, and technical employees within the south-east. These locations are necessary for the employees as a result of their association with health and also their state of mind. A wrong location may end up in employees feeling tired, inhibited in the exchange of ideas, and restless. Unfavorable directions are south and south-west, then invite diseases and ill health. The workplace ought to be properly lit and have adequate ventilation. Natural light-weight is vital as a result long exposure to fluorescent lighting will damage the natural balance of the anatomy.
Vaastu may be able to improve your work-life by helping you to achieve a better balance between your personal and professional life. By following Vaastu principles, you can create a more positive and productive work environment. If you are interested in trying Vaastu to improve your work life, be sure to consult with a qualified Vaastu expert to get started.
Hope these suggestions will help you make your work more successful and balanced.
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Madhu Kotiya
Mind, Body & Soul Doctor
Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster
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