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Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021: ARIES
This month as per the Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021, everything will be in balance. With passing time, you are likely to witness distress within the circle of your loved ones as there might be some stress building in your family relationships. You have to be strong and positive because this circumstance won’t last long and happiness is waiting for you. Career-wise, there is a possibility of a partnership coming your way which will bring positive energy to you. You will work best when alone with occasional outsourcing. Dispute over a financial issue with a young person/people is on the cards but you may avoid it if you are careful. But even if a dispute arises, You don’t have to worry as this will settle down at its own pace. This month you will stand firm by your principles and integrity.
Angelic Message:
When was the last time you did something romantic or thoughtful for a loved one? Make today that day
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021: TAURUS
This month you are happy and contented and soon will embrace a budding relationship. This relationship could be a friendship or romance. The month will bring a renewed and energized you on many levels. On the career front, all is more than good as you have a broad vision of your career path and your intentions are definitely high for facilitating the greater good. Your utmost priority should be putting those creative ideas into action. Everything will seem to be falling into place quite magically but with a bit of strength, you will be able to overcome any opposition. Destiny has a guiding hand upon you. There is money around you which gives you a focus in a most delightful way.
Angelic Message:
The Angels of healing are here right now to bring comfort to the hurting, succor to the sick and peace to the soul.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
This month, Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021 says, you will easily overcome the problems that have been crossing your relational path for a while. This will soothe tensions in your relationships to a great level, where feelings of insecurity had overshadowed the love. A little sorrow arises in your career sector, but you will understand the necessity of this brief sorrow and will overcome the situation. As peace and joy enter your career sector you’ll see that the previous change simply energized you to enter a more profitable phase. Various events are likely to happen that will guide you in a direction that is most auspicious for you.
Angelic Message:
We can see you are troubled and want you to know you are to be helped by an Earth Angel very soon.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021: CANCER
This month a new aspect of your personality will blossom which will invite a new relationship into your life along with new hopes and dreams. While you are celebrating an aspect of life, within that genuine celebration, there is a sting in the tail for you personally. You will see this fact philosophically and find a reason to turn sadness into happiness. Lately, you have taken a big step that is in accord with you and your professional life. You have discovered joy in working in harmony with others. Keeping a track of all the financial shortcomings will be quite stressful, but if you are almost forensic in your efforts you will, in time, be victorious.
Angelic message:
A loved one in Heaven wants you to know you are looked after and you will be okay.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
Monthly Tarot Reading for July 2021: LEO
This month, your heart may be filled with sorrow. You need to segregate what sorrow belongs to which issue as it has all been bunched up as one feeling. You will be able to handle things better when you truly address each issue separately. A need to re-consider old professional information for a new work opportunity is on the cards. As the month begins, the things in your financial sector are not in your favour. This will certainly slow you down, although you’re down you are certainly not out. New beginnings will soon bring new hope and change and you will be happy with this new opportunity. You are likely to experience a spiritual and philosophical renewal.
Angelic Message:
Making the time to do something meaningful with loved ones will be good for you. Do it soon.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
This month you will be dealing with hurt and anger at the same time. This juggle will be for a brief time, but you are going to strike a significant move of independence that will turn sorrow into happiness. With great wisdom and support, you will soon take up a new project. A very strong win in terms of money is coming your way, but we’re not talking about gambling or events of that nature. Creativity is high. Once again we see you embarking on a new venture. It appears that some basic business studies need to be undertaken by you because it will sort out your work situation and will bring greater inner calmness.
Angelic Message:
Expect the unexpected. Never stop believing that something wonderful could happen at any moment.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
This month you will face some issues with your partner. It is very important to deal with these issues when it’s new, rather than letting it grow into a major rift. You will be angry about some behavior that you think is unfair. At present, your career is quite satisfying and you’re working in harmony. You may enjoy a significantly associated victory, followed by a financial gain. This month your ideas will be put into a reality that will fetch you some financial advancement. Your spiritual being will be disturbed due to the distress in your relationship sector. It underscores the need to be firm yet civil in confronting that issue of fairness.
Angelic Message:
The Angels of love can see how much love and care you give to others and are working to make sure you get the same in return.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
There’s a relational possibility that has found you reviewing your current position, which has ceased to hold appeal for you and you’ll likely choose to walk away to embrace the new. Recently, all your career wishes appear to have come true. With further study and investigation, you will find out that things are not as they seemed. You have more than one source of income and you may face difficulties in one of the income sources. Working hard with others along with some calculated risks you will turn the situation around. With so many issues around, you will find yourself stressed and heart sore. You need to recharge your spiritual and creative energies.
Angelic Message:
Release the old to make room for the new to enter your life. You know it’s time now, don’t you?
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
Even though a lot of time has passed, it seems like yesterday that you suffered great grief. To move on you have to discipline your thinking. Regarding your career, you’ve sensed a change coming and you’re right. Though this change will make you nervous, you can assure that there will be monetary gain as a result. You will find yourself quite happy as things settle into this new pattern. Facedown any betrayal with strength and be well informed of your rights. Once you overcome this hiccup, only good will emerge in your financial sector. There will always be someone who will challenge your understanding, but it’s only you who can know what’s right for you.
Angelic Message:
Release all unnecessary fears as a happy outcome is assured. Your Angels want you to think and be happy.
Lucky Color:
Pastel Green
Lucky Number:
You have recently faced emotional sorrow. Yet somehow this constitutes a win on a financial level. There is money all around you in this sector even though we are accessing relational and romantic information. True inner harmony will be attained after the dismantling of an inappropriate romantic ruling over your heart. Information comes your way that suggests the disruption of one of those avenues. Your hopes around spiritual growth and understanding are coming to a realization but in their way and time. There are always times of frustration but don’t focus on that. Look at the bigger picture.
Angelic Message:
The Angels of happiness will soon bring welcome news that will calm your mind and cheer your soul.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
A lot of your best-laid plans will be executed this month. You have been quite active in connection with a particular relationship wherein there have been things to sort out, especially concerning money. You can expect a long-awaited victory in legal issues. All is good in your career sector. Your consistent efforts have proven very fruitful on many levels. You’ve reached a greater state of harmony and inner peace. Yet there is still a problem of distressing confrontations arising and you don’t have to put up with that. All you have to do is refuse to get into such a debate.
Angelic Message:
Someone needs your help. Think about who that may be and reach out to them as soon as you can.
Lucky Color:
Lucky Number:
This month is all about work-associated relationships. You will face difficulty adapting to the conventional expectations of an association or person, this is not a pleasant experience for you. The card indicates the presence of two people, who will help to bring back harmony and joy to your life. This sudden change will take you to unknown areas where you will find happiness related to your career. You are likely to walk away from the job that is not suiting you and settle where your goals meet. You are worried to take financial risks. Do not worry as you have enough to go forward. Although wisdom can surely come as the fruits of meditation and contemplation, right now is the time for action.
Angelic Message:
Welcome the new people coming into your life as they are being sent from Heaven to help you heal.
Lucky Color:
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for more Tarot Reading guidance you may visit https://madhukotiya.com/category/tarot-predictions/
Madhu Kotiya
Mind, Body & Soul Doctor
Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster
Website: http://www.indiatarot.com, http://www.wiccaindia.com
Instagram: Madhukotiyashezaim
Youtube Channel : Madhu Kotiya
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