Table of Contents
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021: ARIES
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021 for Aries: This month your perseverance and hard efforts will pay you. Your self-confidence will draw people to you like a magnet. If you’re worried about your health, relax as worrying can attract negativity. Things are not as bad for you as you fear. There is an underlying, spiritual strength that will sustain your health. Career-wise some good news is on the card which will lead you towards shine and be in limelight. You use your power and leadership for the benefit of others. Those who are looking for a transfer, or job change, should approach an authoritative person to help them in their endeavour. On the love front, doubts about a relationship may nag you. This is the time to be very clear about what you want out of life and your relationships, and accordingly, take steps.
Angel Message
Be patient. Good times, good luck and good news are all in the air. You’ll see.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021: TAURUS
This is the time to be grounded and does justice to your body. You need to take a rest and relax. Avoid eating spicy and junk food. This month, due to certain factors, you are likely to be under stress. Therefore, be gentle with yourself. Avoid anger and aggression. If required release your frustration to express it rather than keeping it to yourself. Professionally, you will be stable, after a long time. You need to finish the pending work. Relationship-wise, this is a highly emotional time. Situations can instantly become heated or uncomfortable. Take a break if you need to. Pick your battles wisely and be sure to treat your lover like a friend. Don’t hurry to end or to begin a relationship.
Angel Message
A loved one in Heaven wants you to know that you are looked after and you will be okay.
Lucky number
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Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021: GEMINI
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021 for Gemini: You are likely to get confused about the medical test/diagnosis results. Take a second or third opinion before taking a final decision. Any health changes are likely to take place slowly. Professionally, you can win any situation with your wit and intelligence. Your logical and analytical skills will help you to come across any difficulties. Your writing and communication skills could give you an extra edge over others. Relationship wise there could be explosive arguments with the near and dear ones. This is not the time to look for love as you tend to take wrong decisions. Existing relations could suffer misunderstanding. You could ruin the very things that you want the most – such as close, intimate relationships with your friends and lover.
Angel Message
The Angels of wishes are with you and are working very hard to help you make a happy wish come true.
Lucky number
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Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021: CANCER
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021 for Cancer: It is important to keep your stress level manageable to stay in good health. Don’t avoid problems rather deal with them. Those looking for healing on a spiritual level make sure to get enough rest. Avoid temptations and alcohol or any kind of addiction; else you may face health problems. On the career front, a job that you’ve been hoping for may suddenly come your way. You will get busier in a positive way. Your accomplishments will make your peers look bad. That’s mostly their problem, but don’t be obnoxious about it. You could feel the negative vibes in the relationship area as well. Conflict with the near and dear ones is likely. Be honest with yourself and with your beloved.
Angel Message
Release the old to make room for the new to enter your life. You know it’s time now.
Lucky number
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Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021: LEO
Monthly Tarot Reading for May 2021 for Leo: You will enjoy good health and richness in relationships. The youngsters are like to have high morale on receiving a gift in the form of ancestral property, it could be money or invaluable advice. On the career front, your great insight and mental clarity will generate good results. This is a good time to act and achieve your target goals. Be alert as new opportunities will knock at the door and you are likely to get promoted. This is the time to pursue new opportunities and to draw upon your creativity and mental ability for making more money. In the love life, Love relations will blossom and may be turned into marriage. You feel at ease with your spouse/partner, and take many important decisions in regard to your family.
Angel Message
The Angels of confidence will help you get through any challenging situation when you ask them. Try and see.
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This month you are likely to be worried about your health. Those awaiting test results, try not to worry too much, as there is nothing much you can do. Relax, things are not as bad as you fear. You will experience an underlying, spiritual strength that will sustain your health. It is advised to do breathing exercises and meditation now. On the career front, work can be either burdensome or non-existent and you may be feeling stuck. You don’t have to stay in a situation that is unhealthy for you. For those who are single, a new and very positive, romance may be on the horizon. Keep your balance and your perspective and don’t get carried away. Those already in a committed relationship will enjoy a new level of understanding.
Angel Message
We can see you are troubled and want you to know you are to be helped by an Earth Angel very soon.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
Your health needs attention this month. For those dealing with a health problem, your usual family doctor may not be the best one to help you. You have to look for treatments outside your local area. You are likely to find some spiritual answers that will help you a lot. On the career front, new opportunities will tempt you. New projects, deals or assignments could be signed this month, which will prove a milestone in your career. Those in business will be able to increase their networking and convert them into benefits. On a personal level, a new friendship or bonding is likely to turn into a loving relationship for you. An existing relationship will become a lot more intense. If someone is interested in you, give him/her a chance. This relationship could be just what you’re looking for.
Angel Message
Someone needs your help. Think about who that may be and reach out to them as soon as you can.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
This month’s change is inevitable in your health. You will suddenly become aware of some spiritual answers that have eluded you for some time. You will feel energetic and your self-confidence will be at an all-time high. Relax as everything is under control. Career-wise you will be exerting yourself for a job change. Experts in arts fields could collaborate for the first time on a project that will give a great boost to their career. This month you will get good opportunities, to, promote your ideas. Some good opportunities may be coming your way, ensure to get intelligent advice before accepting an invitation. Romance also is likely to be going very well this month. There may be an extension in the family, the birth of a child or news of conception that thrills you.
Angel Message
You are far stronger, braver and more capable than you think you are. You can and will get through the challenges you are facing now.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
This month, everything will come together, and you are in the right place, doing the right thing. You are likely to achieve what you have wished for. The month holds new beginnings that naturally emerge out of the accomplished cycle. To balance your energies, avoid rich food and oversleep. This month’s career may not be so satisfactory. You will feel uncomfortable in your working environment. Your senior may feel that you are not putting your 100 per cent effort into a project or task. Your honest nature may fetch you a suspension or some kind of displeasure. On the love front, you may be possessive. Those in love may face conflict and difficult phases. However, a balanced approach will work in your favour.
Angel Message
Release all unnecessary fears as a happy outcome is assured. Your Angels want you to think and be happy.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
You will see a complete transformation in your health this month. Those who are suffering from serious ailments will feel amazed seeing the unexpected changes towards improvement in their test results. A disciplined and controlled lifestyle is always welcomed. On the career front, be careful of the source you are making money. Unfair deals to get quick success might put you in legal action. Be cautious as this is the time when you can negatively use your power. On the relationship front, love should be going very well. For those who are committed, this is very likely to be a strong relationship that is mutually supportive and beneficial. Singles, this is a much better time to meet people.
Angel Message
You need to trust that divine timing will bring all you need perfectly at the perfect time.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
Those with serious ailment fear may be enslaved you need to know that when we are in extreme fear, we simply cannot move forward. You should confront the darker parts of yourself. This is a good time to explore your fears, limitations, and unhealthy attachments. Career-wise, the beginning of a project in which a great deal of creative energy is invested is indicated. This is the time when you need emotional support to go forward in life. You need to have a high maturity level to meet your immediate demands at the workplace. On the love front, you may get hyper on small things with the people who matter to you. Your mind will empower your heart and emotions will take a back seat. Remember words speak louder than action.
Angel Message
The Angels of happiness will soon bring welcome news that will calm your mind and cheer your soul.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
This month your health regime will be on the next level and so will be your maturity and intelligence level. You are more inclined towards natural ingredients, herbs and experiencing the spiritual path. Your views in terms of health are conventional and practical and that will pay you rich dividends. On the career front, clear communication will bring many changes to your career. Your initiative blends with your people skills, so explore and see where it takes you. On the romantic front, this month you are very lovable. Online love messages will revive your energy and passion. Singles may find a suitable partner or marriage proposals.
Angel Message
The Angels of love can see how much love and care you give to others and are working to make sure you get the same in return.
Lucky number
Lucky colour
Dark Grey/ Grey
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