Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope : Tarot Reading for July 2024

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Welcome to “Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope: Tarot Reading for July 2024,” your essential guide to the celestial influences and their mystical tarot interpretations for the upcoming month. In this edition of “Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope: In our “Tarot Reading for July 2024,” we explore the intricate celestial configurations and their synchronization with the timeless insights of tarot to predict your journey in relationships, professional life, and self-development. Every sign of the zodiac holds its unique journey, and here at “Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope: Tarot Reading for July 2024,” we aim to illuminate these paths with clarity and precision. Join us as we explore what the stars and cards have in store for you this July.

Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope : Tarot Reading for July 2024


Using Affirmations and Healing Codes 

If you’re ready to use the affirmations and healing codes provided in my blog,  here’s how to effectively incorporate them into your daily routine for each zodiac sign:

Identify Your Personal Affirmation and Healing Code:

    • Begin by reading through the monthly horoscope to find the specific affirmation and healing code assigned to your zodiac sign. These are tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities predicted for your sign this month.

Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine:

    • Schedule a regular time each day to focus on your affirmation and healing code. Morning or evening can be effective as these times generally allow for quieter reflection.
    • Repeat your affirmation out loud or silently. The act of speaking or thinking the affirmation repeatedly helps to embed these positive statements into your subconscious, aligning your thoughts and actions with your goals.
    • For healing codes, you can recite them, write them down repeatedly, or meditate on them. Visualize the numbers entering your energy field and healing or enhancing the targeted aspects of your life.

Visualization and Belief:

    • While reciting your affirmation or healing code, vividly imagine the positive outcomes you desire. Visualization is an impactful technique that strengthens your confidence in the possible success of these methods.
    • Truly believe in the transformative power of both the affirmations and the healing codes. Confidence in these tools enhances their effectiveness.

Reflect and Journal:

    • Keep a journal to note any changes you observe in your feelings, thoughts, or circumstances. This can be encouraging and provide tangible proof of the benefits you’re experiencing.
    • Reflect on how the affirmations and healing codes might be influencing changes, and adjust your daily practice as needed based on your reflections.

Consistency is Key:

    • Like any other personal development practice, the consistent use of affirmations and healing codes increases their efficacy. m into your daily regimen consistently for optimal outcomes.


July heralds a period of significant personal growth and stability for Aries individuals. As the planets align, you will find an increased sense of harmony within your familial relationships. Your interactions and the way you communicate will deeply influence your close connections, fostering a nurturing and supportive home environment. Your bonds with siblings will strengthen, marked by mutual support and affection during both joyful and challenging times, creating a foundational support system.

Financially, the month looks promising with potential for high earnings, though it requires diligent effort and management due to certain celestial positions indicating a need for extra diligence in financial matters. Be mindful of your expenditures; a thoughtful approach to managing finances will benefit you greatly during this period.

On a personal health front, your vitality is set to improve, which might also bring about a surge in your independence and self-sufficiency. However, this increase in energy could also manifest as heightened irritability. It’s important to channel this assertiveness constructively and remain mindful of your temperament.

For students, July will test your resilience and perseverance. Those who persist in the face of adversity are likely to see positive outcomes. Professionals should prepare for a demanding month at work, where perseverance could potentially lead to rewarding opportunities. Those considering travel might find this month favorable for journeys, and for entrepreneurs, the conditions are ripe for potentially reaping the benefits of your hard work.


Lucky Number:

17, 21, 29,

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

I am a stargazer of possibilities, each night weaving dreams from the constellations of hope that light up my sky.

Healing Code:




This month holds the promise of abundant positive developments, so brace yourself for a period of sustained effort. The hard work you put in now is poised to yield rich rewards, enhancing your sense of accomplishment and financial well-being. With your income likely to see a noticeable rise, you’ll feel a deep sense of fulfillment and motivation to maintain your momentum. In your professional sphere, you may feel the weight of increased responsibilities—staying focused and proactive will be key to managing this pressure effectively.

For those involved in business, especially if you’re born under the sign of Taurus, this period is marked by potential success and growth in your ventures. However, personal relationships, particularly marital ones, might experience some tension. Patience and mutual understanding will be crucial as you navigate these challenges, gradually restoring harmony.

In romantic matters, prepare for potential ups and downs. Handle these circumstances with tranquility and clear thinking to reduce stress. Health-wise, you might find the initial weeks more challenging, but conditions are expected to improve as the month progresses, bringing you back to your usual vigor.

Students will discover that complex topics become more accessible, though staying focused could be a challenge. Remain diligent to keep distractions at bay. Additionally, travel opportunities might arise, possibly involving significant journeys that could open new horizons. Embrace these changes, as they are likely to contribute to your personal growth and broaden your perspective.

Lucky Number:

6, 9, 29

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My resolve is a fortress, built upon the bedrock of past victories, standing unshaken against the winds of adversity.

Healing Code:




This month promises to be a period of significant progress for Gemini individuals across various aspects of life. From the outset, you’ll find that an increase in income boosts your confidence, fueling your drive to tackle tasks with vigor and determination. It’s important to steer clear of shortcuts in your professional pursuits. While quick fixes might seem appealing, they could lead to challenges that could have been avoided with a more methodical approach.

Effort will be a key theme this month; success won’t come easily, but persistence will lead to rewarding achievements. Engaging in spiritual or religious activities will bring a sense of peace and balance, helping to calm your mind amidst your busy schedule. Financially, you might find yourself investing in these spiritual pursuits.

It’s crucial to maintain humility; overconfidence could disrupt your otherwise stable circumstances. The family dynamic will be a mix of highs and lows, offering moments of joy amidst occasional challenges. In romantic relationships, you may encounter some tension, but those who are married will find their bonds deepening, enhancing the emotional connection with their partners.

Health-wise, a focus on moderation, especially in dietary habits, will be beneficial. Cutting down on foods high in fat will contribute positively to your overall well-being. This month holds a blend of challenges and victories, but with dedication and a balanced approach, you can navigate through successfully.


Lucky Number:

3,18, 22

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

I am a composer of my reality, each decision a note played in the symphony of my life’s evolving masterpiece.

Healing Code:




This month brings a blend of opportunities and caution for those born under the Cancer sign. There is a particular emphasis on personal well-being. It’s a time to be extra cautious about your health due to certain celestial alignments that might increase your susceptibility to stress-related ailments. Focus on nurturing both your physical well-being and emotional wellness.


In your professional life, expect to shine. Your efforts are likely to be recognized, setting the stage for possible advancements or significant positive shifts in your career. There could be a buzz around your achievements, suggesting that your work might not only meet but exceed expectations.

For business owners born under this sign, a cautious approach is advised. Rushed decisions could lead to complications, so it’s wise to proceed with careful deliberation and thorough planning.

In personal relationships, the period is auspicious for deepening bonds. Those in a committed relationship might find this time particularly rewarding, as certain tensions ease, making way for more harmonious interactions. Meanwhile, for those navigating the complexities of romance, although challenges might arise, there will also be opportunities to strengthen connections. This could be an ideal time to make heartfelt commitments if the situation aligns.


Lucky Number:

2, 7, 11, 22

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My journey is a river, its currents strong with purpose, flowing tirelessly toward the ocean of my greatest aspirations.

Healing Code:




This month heralds a time of notable achievements, yet it’s crucial to stay vigilant about your health. Avoid taking shortcuts, particularly when it comes to financial matters. Making investments based solely on others’ advice could lead to losses. The stars align favorably for travel, suggesting potential long journeys that could broaden your perspectives or offer new opportunities.

In your professional life, your strength and influence will be pronounced. Your accumulated experience will not only benefit you but also inspire those around you. There is a strong possibility of being entrusted with a significant role that allows you to guide and benefit others. Your colleagues are likely to be supportive, enhancing the cooperative atmosphere at work. For those in business, progress will be steady. Sometimes, decision-making might feel burdensome, especially when revisions are necessary. However, adapting to necessities, even when challenging, is essential for moving forward.

For students under the Leo sign, this month demands focus and proactive actions regarding academic plans. Love and relationships look promising, especially in the first half of the month, where emotional connections are expected to deepen significantly. Those who are married might encounter minor challenges, yet a strong sense of commitment will ensure a joyful and fulfilling domestic life.


Lucky Number:

9, 14, 21, 28

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

I am a beacon of encouragement, radiating warmth and guidance, helping others find their way through the fog of doubt.

Healing Code:




This month, the positioning of celestial bodies indicates a period where health should be your priority, as there could be potential challenges in this area. The alignment suggests a sudden emergence of unforeseen issues, making it essential to be vigilant about well-being. In the professional realm, the stars align favorably, providing a supportive environment for advancing your career through diligence and perseverance. This is an opportune time to manifest your goals through consistent effort.

For those employed, there is a possibility of gaining recognition or benefits from dedicated hard work. It is a period to focus on achieving results through commitment and effort rather than seeking shortcuts. For Virgo entrepreneurs, the cosmic setup encourages a strategic approach to business expansion. It is advisable to pursue growth through ethical practices and well-thought-out strategies, steering clear of dubious schemes that promise quick gains. Emphasizing thoughtful planning and ethical decision-making will be key to navigating this period successfully.


Lucky Number:

3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

Each morning I awaken with a heart filled with purpose, embracing the day’s challenges as opportunities for growth and achievement.

Healing Code:




This month holds promising opportunities for those born under the sign of Libra. As the month begins, influential celestial alignments will play a significant role in shaping your experiences and outcomes. Your ruling planet finds itself in a position that augments your long-term visions and pursuits, bolstering your prospects, particularly in areas that require foresight and higher wisdom.

Financial gains are on the horizon, with positive influences ensuring that monetary rewards are more likely. This is a fruitful time to advance key projects and initiatives that hold personal significance. Your efforts in these areas are likely to see substantial progress.

Furthermore, notable celestial positioning in your career sector suggests strong potential for professional success. You might find doors opening in your career path that could lead to a significant role or position, potentially with an increase in remuneration. For those seeking employment, this period could end your search, presenting you with promising job opportunities.

Additionally, changes in your current role, such as transfers, could occur, but these should be seen as steps toward greater stability and enhanced professional standing. While there may be challenges from competitors or adversaries due to certain planetary arrangements, these will not deter your progress. However, they could cause some temporary stress, so it’s important to maintain your well-being and stay resilient during these times. Stay focused on your goals and navigate this period with caution and optimism.

Lucky Number:

11, 22, 29, 35

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My voice is a gentle breeze, carrying seeds of change and inspiration, planting new beginnings wherever it whispers.

Healing Code:




At times, you may find yourself facing challenges due to others’ hidden agendas, leading to a sense of unease. Vigilance will be crucial as there might be attempts to exploit your good nature. However, the prevailing energy supports resilience, allowing you to navigate through these testing times with relative ease.

This time marks an especially favorable period for business activities. You are likely to experience success that surpasses your initial expectations. A trusted and seasoned partner will play a significant role in this prosperity, contributing to noticeable advancements in your professional life.

For those who are single, the current time opens a window of opportunity for matrimonial alliances. Your relationships are expected to flow smoothly, although the latter part of the month might bring some minor conflicts or harsh exchanges. Despite these intermittent disturbances, the foundation of your relationship remains strong, enhancing your commitment to making things work. Those in romantic partnerships will encounter fluctuations, yet a shared enthusiasm for new experiences will help steer your connection towards more harmonious waters. As you explore new avenues together, your bond will strengthen, gradually aligning your mutual feelings and intentions.


Lucky Number:

4, 8, 13, 9

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

I am a collector of moments, treasuring each second as a priceless artifact of my life’s rich and vibrant history.

Healing Code:





This period calls for a mindful approach in several facets of your life. Health, in particular, requires attentive care as you might experience some low points. In the realm of personal relationships, particularly for those in romantic engagements, heightened emotional exchanges could lead to disputes, despite an overall deepening of bonds. For married individuals, there’s a promising forecast of increased romance, though it’s crucial to keep ego clashes in check to maintain harmony.

Professionally, those in employment might find their enthusiasm waning, potentially leading to oversights or mistakes at work. It’s essential to reinvigorate your focus to avoid any professional setbacks. On a brighter note, this period appears advantageous for business endeavors. Strengthening ties with government sectors could prove beneficial, and collaborations with business partners are likely to be fruitful.

For Sagittarius families, expect some turbulence that might disturb the domestic peace. However, this time also presents an educational opportunity for students, who will find their curiosity piqued and their ability to concentrate improved, opening doors to new knowledge and understanding.


Lucky Number:

7, 12, 21, 35,

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My spirit is an eagle, soaring high above the mundane, viewing the landscape of my life with clarity and vision.

Healing Code:




This month, Saturn remains in a retrograde motion within its own sign, positioned in the second house. This astral alignment could prompt minor health irritations possibly linked to seasonal changes. Nevertheless, serious health concerns are unlikely to arise. In family dynamics, expect a mix of highs and lows. It’s particularly important to be attentive to family members who may experience health or emotional disturbances, especially your mother. Ensure that you provide her with extra support and understanding during this period.

In matters of the heart, this is a promising time for those in romantic relationships, presenting opportunities to deepen bonds and take significant steps forward. For married couples, harmony and favorable circumstances will enhance your connection.

Professionally, the period is set to be quite productive. Your talents and skills will shine, paving the way for notable achievements in your career. Business endeavors are also expected to flourish, with new ventures and calculated risks likely paying off. The period is also ideal for short travels and social interactions, allowing you to enjoy valuable moments with friends.

For students, the educational landscape looks encouraging, with prospects of achieving desired outcomes in your studies. This period encourages growth, both personally and professionally, fostering an environment where you can thrive and expand your horizons.


Lucky Number:

3, 6, 12, 4,

Lucky Colour:


Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My mind is a sanctuary of creativity, where ideas bloom like wildflowers, vibrant and untamed.

Healing Code:




The celestial dynamics of the coming period indicate that your foundational planet will be in a position that typically enhances well-being, yet it requires more effort on your part to harness this potential fully, especially since this planet will also be in a retrograde phase. This positioning suggests that while strength and stability are accessible, they come with the caveat of increased effort and discipline. Embracing a structured approach to your daily activities will likely lead to progress across various aspects of your life.

In terms of interpersonal communication, there might be a tendency to overcommit or overstate capabilities, particularly influenced by a significant astrological placement in your communication sector. This could lead to scenarios where you might find yourself unable to fulfill promises or expectations you’ve set. It’s advisable to practice restraint and thoughtfulness in speech to maintain harmony and credibility.

As for your professional life, there appears to be a promising outlook for those in employment, with potential achievements on the horizon. Entrepreneurs will find the initial part of the period particularly beneficial, with prospects for financial gains and business expansion. However, the latter half may bring about a rise in business-related expenditures. Managing resources wisely during this phase will be crucial to maintaining overall growth and stability.


Lucky Number:

11, 22, 2, 4, 8

Lucky Colour:

Sea Green

Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

Each act of kindness I perform is a ripple in the pond of humanity, spreading outward to nurture hearts near and far.

Healing Code:




This month, it’s essential to keep a close watch on your financial and health aspects, as challenges are likely to arise in both areas. The celestial configuration suggests an increase in expenditures, which could strain your resources. Additionally, this alignment may exacerbate health concerns, urging you to stay vigilant and proactive in managing your wellbeing.

A certain planetary alignment indicates a tendency towards a more carefree approach this month, which could inadvertently lead to health issues if not checked. Financially, while there might be opportunities to enhance your income, this period also warns of potential impulsiveness in speech among Pisces natives, which could lead to tension within personal relationships.

On a brighter note, family life appears to promise moments of joy and tranquility. Bonds between siblings may strengthen, growing both in depth and closeness. Moreover, with the support of a friend, there is an opportunity to inject more excitement and vibrancy into your romantic endeavors, enhancing your personal connections and adding a spark to your interactions.


Lucky Number:

7, 9, 18, 3

Lucky Colour:

Royal Blue

Lucky Day:


Angel Affirmation:

My resilience is a tapestry, woven from the threads of trials overcome, displaying a story of enduring strength and beauty.

Healing Code:



As we wrap up this edition of “Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope: Tarot Reading for July 2024,” we hope the insights provided have resonated with you and offered guidance for the month ahead. Remember, the stars and cards set the stage, but it is your actions and decisions that truly shape your destiny. Embrace the energies revealed in your reading, use them to fuel your personal and spiritual growth, and move forward with confidence. Join us again next month for more celestial wisdom and tarot insights in “Madhu Kotiya Monthly Horoscope: Tarot Reading for July 2024.” Wishing you a July filled with light, understanding, and progress.


Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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