How Tarot Works : Secrets of Tarot Readings

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Step into the enchanting universe of tarot, an age-old tradition that breaks the barriers of time and space, allowing us to connect with the mysterious cosmos and decode the complexities of our existence. Being a seasoned tarot practitioner rooted in spiritual wisdom, Let’s look into the deep ties binding the seeker, the tarot deck, and the realm of higher awareness. Let’s try to understand how tarot works and how tarot cards are mysteriously accurate.

How Tarot Works : Secrets of Tarot Readings
How Tarot Works : Secrets of Tarot Readings by Dr. Madhu Kotiya

In this blog, we will look into the spiritual essence of tarot readings, examining how tarot reads the energy of the querent and how the tarot reader connects with the divine to channel accurate interpretations. Prepare to unlock the mysteries of the tarot and discover the transformative power that lies within its sacred cards.

The Sacred Dance of Energy:

At the core of tarot readings lies the concept of energy—the invisible threads that intertwine all living beings and connect us to the vast cosmic web. Tarot acts as a medium to read and interpret this energy, allowing the querent to receive guidance and insight from the higher realms. Each tarot card is an energetic vessel that captures the essence of archetypal symbols, emotions, and situations, resonating with the unique energetic signature of the individual seeking answers.

The Querent’s Energetic Imprint:

Before a tarot reading even begins, the querent’s energy imprints upon the cards. This energetic imprint serves as a channel through which the cards attune to the querent’s vibrational frequency, ensuring that the subsequent reading is intricately aligned with their energetic field. The cards become a mirror, reflecting the querent’s innermost desires, fears, and aspirations, enabling a deep exploration of their current circumstances.

The Tarot Reader’s Sacred Connection:

As an experienced tarot reader, my role extends beyond being a mere interpreter of the cards. I am a conduit—a vessel through which the divine energies flow. Through deep spiritual practice, meditation, and a sincere connection with the higher consciousness, I open myself to receiving intuitive messages and guidance. In this sacred connection, I merge my own energetic field with the querent’s, establishing a profound link that allows me to access profound insights from the spiritual realm.

The Dance of Intuition and Divine Guidance:

Intuition serves as a guiding force in the accuracy of tarot readings. It is the subtle voice within that whispers messages from the divine. As I shuffle the cards and lay them out in a spread, I am guided by this intuitive wisdom. Each card’s placement, the relationships between them, and their symbolic meanings are imbued with divine messages. Through the delicate dance of intuition and divine guidance, I decipher the messages contained within the cards, unlocking their profound wisdom.

The Cards’ Infallible Truth:

In the realm of tarot, the cards themselves possess an inherent truth. They are a reflection of the querent’s energy, presenting an unfiltered and honest portrayal of their circumstances. The tarot cards hold the key to hidden truths, unveiling the querent’s deepest desires, subconscious patterns, and potential future paths. It is important to emphasize that the cards are always correct in their portrayal, but the accuracy of their interpretation relies on the reader’s knowledge, intuition, and connection with the divine.

The Language of Symbolism:

Tarot cards are a language of symbolism, where each card represents a unique archetype, emotion, or aspect of life. The symbolism is a gateway to the collective unconscious, bridging the querent’s conscious mind with the vast wellspring of universal wisdom. By decoding the intricate symbols and patterns on the cards, I unravel the tapestry of the querent’s life, offering insights that resonate with their current journey.

Co-creation and Personalized Readings:

Tarot readings are a co-creative process, where the querent actively participates in the interpretation of the cards. As an expert tarot reader, I provide a framework and guidance, but it is the querent’s experiences, thoughts, and intentions that infuse the reading with deeper meaning. This personalized approach ensures that the interpretations align with the querent’s unique circumstances, enabling a transformative and insightful experience.

The Power of Synchronicity:

Synchronicity weaves its enchanting threads throughout the tapestry of tarot readings. Meaningful coincidences and serendipitous events occur, aligning the querent’s energy with the cards’ messages. The tarot acts as a cosmic compass, guiding individuals toward the paths they are meant to traverse. When the querent seeks a tarot reading, their intention resonates with the higher consciousness, attracting cards that provide synchronistic alignment and profound guidance.

Empowerment through Self-Reflection:

Tarot readings serve as catalysts for self-reflection and personal empowerment. As the querent engages with the cards, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the depths of their subconscious mind. Through the process of projecting their own thoughts, emotions, and experiences onto the cards, the querent gains a clearer understanding of their current circumstances, potential obstacles, and hidden strengths. This self-reflection empowers them to make conscious choices and take proactive steps toward their desired outcomes.

Embracing Divine Timing:

In the realm of tarot, divine timing plays a significant role. The cards have an innate wisdom that guides us to the most opportune moments for action, introspection, or change. Tarot readings reveal the temporal tapestry of the querent’s life, helping them discern the most favorable moments to embark on new endeavors, release old patterns, or embrace transformative experiences. By surrendering to the divine timing revealed in the tarot, the querent aligns their journey with the cosmic flow of the universe.

Healing a Relationship through Tarot Guidance: Case Study

In the realm of tarot, I, as a skilled and intuitive tarot reader, have witnessed the transformative power that transcends cultures and boundaries. Allow me to share a poignant example of how a tarot reading helped a person navigate the challenges within their marriage, ultimately leading to healing and transformation.

I met Rajesh, a devoted husband who found himself at a crossroads in his marriage. The once vibrant bond between him and his wife, Meera, (names have been changed for the privacy of the client)  had gradually deteriorated, leaving them feeling disconnected and disheartened. Despite their shared history and love, they had reached a point where their relationship felt strained and fragile. It was in this state of despair that Rajesh sought my guidance, hoping for insight and guidance to save their marriage.

As Rajesh entered my sacred space, his heart heavy with concern and a glimmer of hope, I could sense the weight of his emotions. With deep attunement to the energies surrounding Rajesh and his marriage, I began shuffling the cards, infusing them with my intuitive insights and connection to the divine.

The Tarot Reading Session

As the cards were laid out in a spread, each one seemed to whisper a unique message tailored to Rajesh’s situation. With reverence and clarity, I explained the significance of each card, drawing upon the rich symbolism within the Indian context of marriage and relationships.

The cards revealed a pattern of miscommunication, unexpressed emotions, and unresolved conflicts that had seeped into the foundation of Rajesh and Meera’s relationship. Their once harmonious connection had been overshadowed by the burdens of daily life, causing them to unknowingly drift apart.

Guided by the wisdom of the tarot, I gently directed Rajesh’s attention to the meanings and lessons embedded in the cards. I emphasized the importance of open and compassionate communication, urging him to express his true feelings and actively listen to Meera’s concerns.

Through the guidance of the tarot, Rajesh gained a deeper understanding of the role he had played in the deterioration of their relationship. The cards highlighted the significance of trust, respect, and compromise, urging him to take responsibility for his actions and seek reconciliation.

The Guidance and Counseling

Using tarot insights, I offer tangible tools and advice to rekindle love and rebuild trust in relationships. I recommended that Rajesh and Meera embark on a journey of rediscovery, engaging in activities that would strengthen their bond and remind them of the love that had brought them together.

Furthermore, I encouraged Rajesh to seek the assistance of a relationship counselor or mentor, emphasizing the value of external support in navigating their marital challenges. I stressed the importance of seeking guidance and professional help to facilitate open and meaningful dialogue.

The Outcome:

Inspired and motivated by the tarot reading, Rajesh approached Meera with newfound clarity and determination. He initiated heartfelt conversations, expressing his love, regret, and commitment to rebuilding their relationship. Meera, moved by Rajesh’s sincerity and efforts, reciprocated with an open heart and a willingness to work through their challenges.

Together, they went ahead on a journey of healing, embracing the lessons imparted by the tarot. They attended relationship counseling sessions, fostering honest and compassionate communication. Reconnecting, they reignited their love, rekindling the spark that once brightened their lives

Through their shared dedication and the transformative guidance of the tarot, Rajesh and Meera saved their marriage. They didn’t just rebuild their bond stronger; they also grew personally and felt deeply connected and fulfilled. Tarot offered essential tools and insights, steering them towards overcoming obstacles and fostering a thriving relationship.

As someone who reads tarot cards, I’ve seen firsthand the deep change and healing that tarot guidance can bring about. It truly speaks to the remarkable knowledge and influence nestled within the deck of cards. Helping people like Rajesh and Meera on their path to empathy and renewal is a deeply gratifying experience.

In conclusion:

There’s a mystical connection between the person seeking answers, the tarot cards, and the divine wisdom of the universe. This beautiful synergy of energy, intuition, symbols, and spiritual guidance breathes life into the precision and depth of tarot readings. As an experienced tarot reader, I warmly invite you on this transformative journey rooted in spirituality. Immerse yourself in the enigma of tarot and be receptive to the profound change it can usher in. May tarot’s wisdom guide your path toward clarity, accomplishment, and spiritual growth in your life’s journey

I trust this blog enlightens your tarot understanding, enhancing your openness for a truly transformative future reading experience.

Dr. Madhu Kotiya

Mind, Body & Soul Doctor

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster

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