Affirmations can create a 360 degree change in your situations. I am giving you money affirmations here which I find very powerful. Choose one which suits you best or read them all. Repeat them atleast 21 times everyday and see the result.
- I am open to receive Money coming from all the directions of this universe.
- Money flows to me like water
- I love Money and Money loves me.
- I disconnect with all thoughts which are blocking my flow of money, I am open and receptive to the money and abundance.
- The Universe has abundance of money and being the part of universe I too receive the abundance of money in my life.
- I am happy to receive more money then in past projects.
- I am open to receive the blessings of Money angels who are always sending Money flow and Money energy on my way.
- Money is a good energy and it helps me create good relationships with people around me.
- All the sources of Money flow, around me, are open and I am the receiver of this money flow.
- I am rich and wealthy in all aspects of life. I am intelligent and creativity and my skills are bringing unstoppable flow of money and work to me.
Please practice these and let me know what was your experience with these affirmations.
I conduct a workshop on Money Magnet and abundance twice every month. Putting the details here in case anyone is interested. The workshop is conducted on Zoom.
Blessed be
Madhu Kotiya
Mind , Body & Soul Doctor
Psychic Medium, Paranormal Expert, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Healer, Wiccan Spell Caster
Website: http://www.indiatarot.com, http://www.wiccaindia.com
Instagram: Madhukotiyashezaim
Youtube Channel : Madhu Kotiya
for appointment contact at through whatsapp or call #+919873283331 , +917701801356